Hey there True Believers and welcome to the Face Front 2025 Showcase! This show is full of updates, sneak peeks, and announcements for some of the things you can expect from Face Front in the year 2025!
The End of the Marvel Universe Part 4: Devourer of Worlds

We’re starting out with the next immediate Face Front Original: The End of the Marvel Universe Part 4: Devourer of Worlds. Ever since fans discovered that Peter’s world, Earth-84061, the original Face Front Universe, had been destroyed, the question on everyone’s mind was: How? The End of the Marvel Universe series set out to explain not only major differences between the Face Front Universe and the MCU, but to answer this question that has puzzled viewers for years. Though it’s been referenced here and there, we will finally see the climactic battle between the last Avenger, Captain Marvel, and the world-eating threat to the entire Marvel Universe, Galactus! The End of the Marvel Universe Part 4: Devourer of Worlds is in development now and coming soon to Face Front.
Rise of the X-Men

Next, I want to address what’s going on with Rise of the X-Men. This was meant to be my next project, but due to the nature of the story, I was running into timeline issues, primarily where to fit it into the Face Front Universe without screwing up the established canon. I’ve since fixed the problem, but it requires a rework of the script to fit the video within the new context. It hasn’t gone completely back to the drawing board, I am still able to keep most of what I had planned, but it will take some time to rework the story.
That said, I would like to reveal this new image above from the project, featuring the team I plan to use. Yes, the X-Men from the 90’s animated series will the primary team in Rise of the X-Men. They are the ones I grew up and had always planned the story for. But this does not mean that some other mutant won’t show up in the video, or in the future of the Face Front Universe! Thank you for being patient, and I promise, Rise of the X-Men is coming this year!
The Secret Wars

Now, I want to talk about a new/old project, The Secret Wars. Longtime Face Front viewers may have seen the motion comics on the channel tying into Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Secret War against Red Skull and HYDRA. The Secret Wars videos are pivitol story points in the grand scheme of the Face Front Universe. However, upon reviewing the videos, I find that they are outdated, somewhat unengaging, and framed to connect to an interactive event that no longer exists here on the website. With the importance of these videos to the overall story, I’ve decided to revisit and remaster all of the original Secret Wars videos. This will include removing the elements linking back to Blog, improving the sound design, the cadence, updating the visuals, and most of all, adding voiceover, a step I’ve regretted leaving out since the beginning.

The Secret Wars will be a compilation that tells the entirety of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s war with HYDRA, putting one of the most important stories in the Face Front Universe together in on one place with a fresh new coat of paint that will entertain new and old viewers alike. The Secret Wars will drop later this year, and will be followed by The Secret Wars: Dark Dimension getting the same treatment.
Commentary Content

Let’s get into the commentary content on Face Front. Last year I launched Merry Marvel Mayhem, which I used here and there to talk about relevant moments in Marvel pop culture. The thing is, it’s really no fun for me if no one is talking back. When I first pitched this idea to my friend Johnathan, Merry Marvel Mayhem was supposed to be a rant show where I get all my hot takes off my chest about things I’m very, very passionate and opinionated about. I hesitated to do that because I’m generally a guy that doesn’t rock the boat, but more and more I see people online with, let’s face it, stupid takes, and I’m done keeping quiet. Merry Marvel Mayhem will return, this time, with more emphasis on the mayhem!

Then there’s the Face Front Show. I value nothing more than talking with you guys about Marvel. That said, every time I have a topic for the show, we talk discuss it for about 32 seconds before the show goes off the rails. Which is great! It’s fun! I love it! But from now on, I’m not going to choose a set topic. I’ll go live, and we’ll just talk, like buddies in the comic shop.
Marvel 616: Retold

Another project I launched last year was Marvel 616: Retold, which I believe was a thundering success! It gets more action figure videos out to you guys while putting a comedic spin on some classic Marvel stories. Marvel 616: Retold will continue with new stories throughout the year to keep you guys entertained between the big Face Front Originals. Here’s a sneak peek at one of the upcoming episodes of Marvel 616: Retold:

Click Here to watch all episodes of Marvel 616: Retold!
Marvel Vs.

Another comedy series I have going is Marvel Vs. Marvel Vs. pits two characters against each other in a hilarious 1v1 encounter. There’s already episodes for Spider-Man vs. Lizard, Iron Man vs. Captain America, Cyclops vs. Mr Sinister, Thor vs. Ulik, and Dr Strange vs. Dormammu. Go check those out if you haven’t and prepare for more Marvel Vs., including the next one later this month, which will be Daredevil vs Bullseye, just in time for Born Again! Click Here to view all episodes of Marvel Vs.

Now, I want to talk about my YouTube Shorts content. Mostly I was using shorts to post clips from my videos, memes, and gameplay, but last year I started experimenting with dedicated Shorts content, and I have to say, I’m quite happy with the results. Marvel Hero Adventures are hilarious short stories featuring Marvel characters in all kinds of wild situations. I love the challenge of telling a story with a beginning, middle, and end in a minute or less. I know that the algorithm is weird about who it shows Shorts to, I’ve had some subscribers say they never see my shorts! So make sure you Click Here to find all of these videos in the Marvel Hero Adventures Playlist!

Another one of my Shorts series that is truly short is Marvel Nemesis, named after the old video game. It has two characters with a history clash and exchange lines, like Mortal Kombat or Injustice. There’s a playlist for Marvel Nemesis videos as well, so Click Here if you haven’t seen them!
Spider-Man: Return to the Spider-Verse One More Day

Lastly, I want to give you guys an update on what I know you’ve been waiting for. Spider-Man: Return to the Spider-Verse One More Day, The Return to the Spider-Verse finale. I’m going to be completely honest with you guys, this is the big one. This everything and the kitchen sink. My hope for releasing this is honestly just, before the end of the year. It’s going to take time. But I know you guys. I know you love your Spider-Verse content. Web-Warriors was meant to fill the gaps between Spider-Verse episodes, but with The Superior Spider-Man episode and the Turning Point epilogue, Web-Warriors came to its planned end. So what’s next in the Spider-Verse? Well, let me just show you.
Spider-Man: Edge of Spider-Verse

Based on the comic of the same name, Spider-Man: Edge of Spider-Verse is an anthology series, each story focusing on one of the Amazing Friends, taking place between different episodes of Return to the Spider-Verse. These are all-new stories that will feature new and returning characters, fleshing out what the Spidey team is up to when you don’t see them in an episode of Spider-Verse. Length-wise, they’ll be similar the Christmas special episodes, and they’ll release at a steady pace while I work on One More Day. Edge of Spider-Verse is an exciting new Spider-Man project, and I can’t wait for you guys to see the episodes!
Thank you for joining me today, and thank you for watching Face Front. Honestly, I always say this, but I do this for you guys. Keep watching the channel, keep commenting and tuning into the lives, keep being fans. 2025 is an exciting year for Face Front, and I hope you all are ready for what’s to come! Face Front True Believers, and I’ll see you in the Multiverse!