See them. Admire them. My Blue-Vengers.
Black Widow: Saboteur
Iron Man: Liquid Cool
Captain America: Americana
Hulk: Clean Cut
Ms. Marvel: Destined One
Thor: Cobalt
Kate Bishop: Ski Trip
I was all set. I was good. I was golden. All of my Avengers had blue-themed outfits. I was so proud of myself, I wanted to show off to buddy Xavier. So after I helped him finish Taking Aim, I did. And do you know what he said to me?
"Hulk's suit isn't blue. It's purple."
And then I said:
"No it's not!"
"Yes it is! Look! His fedora is clearly purple, like the rest of his suit!"
"No! It's blue! They're my Blue-Vengers!
"His tie is blue! Look! See."
"... Crap."
"Hahahahahaha!!!!!! So much for your Blue-Vengers! Your Hulk's suit is purple! Hahahaha!!!!!"
My Blue-Vengers are now ruined. Until I get Hulk's Joe Fixit suit. By completing his challenge card... Such is life.
Welp, Face Front True Believers! I'll see you in the Multiverse!