X-Men ’97 is Perfect!

The first season of Marvel Animation's X-Men '97 is finished, and I'm here to give you my thoughts in the latest episode of Merry Marvel Mayhem!

Doing Cyclops justice, adapting some heavy-hitting storylines, and revving the much beloved 90's cartoon, X-Men '97 never stopped firing on all cylinders! This is the perfect way to revive an old show and modernize it for today's audience. From the cheer-worthy fight scenes to the dramatic story threads, I can't think of a single moment X-Men '97 missed.

This show was truly, in every sense of the word, perfect, and I can't wait for more. Today's weekly poll: What was your favorite episode of X-Men '97? Answer down below, and then let me know in the comments what your favorite moment was, or who's your favorite X-Men! That's it for now, Face Front True Believers, and I'll see you in the Multiverse!

Welcome to your x-men97

What is your favorite episode of X-Men '97?