Hey there True Believers! 2023 is almost over and it's been a heck of a year for Face Front! In March I had the 2023 Showcase and presented to you all what was to come this past year. And you know what? We hit most of it! And I'm super proud of that. It's your support that keeps me going! As for what we still have for December and what's happening next year, well, keep scrolling!
A Very Spidey Christmas!

First up is a perviously unannounced project that I'm actually super excited for: A Very Spidey Christmas! I've been wanting to do a Spider-Verse holiday special forever, but every year that passed I said I'll do it next time, I'll do it next time. Well, next time is here!
Titled after the tie-in Christmas album from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, A Very Spidey Christmas is a multi-part series that will release between December 24-25. My Christmas present to you guys! Eileen Nestman (voice of Ghost-Spider) and I got together one night and bashed out ideas for this video that are going to make it the greatest holiday special of all time! And the best part: It is completely canon! So not only are you getting a fun Christmas adventure, but we're also advancing the story of Spider-Man: Return to the Spider-Verse! It's a Christmas miracle!
Spider-Man: Return to the Spider-Verse Episode 11: For the Love of MJ

Return to the Spider-Verse, uh... returns... with an all-new episode! Peter B. Parker must face new challenges when the love of his life, Mary Jane Watson, shows up on his doorstep! The problem is, he hasn't spoken to her since before the fight with the Sinister Six! Will Spidey be able to help his Amazing Friend mend this contentious relationship, or will he be facing frightening problems of his own?
The End of the Marvel Universe Part 4

The series that chronicles the destruction of Earth-84061 concludes in the explosive final part of The End of the Marvel Universe! In Part 1, we figured out where the Face Front Universe diverged from the MCU. Falcon survived the Blip and was able to stall Thanos long enough for Thor to eliminate him, and reverse the effects of his snap mere moments after it happened.
In Part 2, we discovered why the Avengers worked for Face Front. Young multimedia manager Joshua Westbrook (that's me!) set out to show the world that the Avengers, and heroes in general, would always be needed. This resulted in Spider-Man hosting the Face Front News Flash (what he was about to do before being swept into the Spider-Verse) and the Falcon getting his own TV show, Sam Says...
... Which got canceled after 2 episodes, causing him to unleash the power of the Infinity Gauntlet. In Part 3, we finally answered the question fans have been asking since 2019: What happened after Falcon snapped? Turns out, he ended up in the year 2099. Tony Stark and Captain Rogers set out in a time machine to go retrieve Sam and the Gauntlet, but unfortunately, found themselves stuck in the future.
And at last, Part 4 will reveal the answer to the final question, the one everyone wants to know: How did the Marvel Universe end?
Rise of the X-Men

The X-Men have been hidden too long. Now, they finally rise. Not much I can say about this project, but Rise of the X-Men will be coming in 2024, and it will at last introduce the world-famous Marvel team to the Face Front Universe.
Nick Fury: The New Initiative

So remember waaaaay back when when I announced four new Face Front Originals? Well, I've completed 3 of them, those being Doctor Strange: Battle on Bleecker Street, Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six, and recently Loki: Realm of the Dishonored Dead. The final one was to be a Nick Fury video, and to take place before Falcon's snap. Well, I'm finally doing it! And it's got a new title too:
Nick Fury: The New Initiative. Following the devastation of Thanos, Director Nick Fury, Captain Marvel, General Talos, and all of S.H.I.E.L.D. must band together to ensure that something like that never occurs again. However, new challenges await the Director, as he's faced with the return of a villain long thought dead, and the beginning of a Secret War... This video finally arrives next year!
Spider-Man: Web-Warriors Episode 10: The Superior Spider-Man

This is it, Marvelites. The titanic finale to the show that spun out of Return to the Spider-Verse. The 10th episode of Web-Warriors marks the most cunning and sinister one yet: The Superior Spider-Man. I won't say much, but I'm definitely going into this episode of Web-Warriors with big finale energy!
Now does this mean that Web-Warriors is over forever? I can't tell you that. But I know there's a lot of Spideys you guys want to see, and I intend to make most of you happy, so do with that knowledge what you will. That's why I do this, to make you guys happy. Because I personally cannot stand the Superior Spider-Man! But there's a lot of you that love him, and I'm going to make sure you all get a kick out of this episode!
So there you have it! We're ending big with the holiday special, and going into 2024 with a whole slew of new Face Front Originals for you all to sink your teeth into! Thank you, thank you, thank you for sticking with me through 2023! The channel crossed 4,000 subscribers! More and more people are discovering the Face Front community, and I only want it to get bigger! So keep watching! Keep sharing! Keep nerding out! Because this is a new Marvel Universe, and it's here for you! Thank you all again, Face Front True Believers, and I'll see you in 2024!