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The Story
Way back in 2007 when Spider-Man 3 was coming out, there was a contest called "Face of the Fan". Spider-Man fans across the world had to submit a video explaining why they were Spidey fans, and the two winners would go on to become the official spokespeople for promotional videos before the movie's release. I remembering entering, not winning, then being envious of the guy and girl that did win. Yes, the marketing campaign for Spider-Man 3 was a fun one.
Now, I'm not just going on a trip down memory lane here. I, Joshua Westbrook, am bringing Face of the Fan back! Face Front style! (And yes, I considered calling it Face Front of the Fan. You can see how that's a syntax nightmare.) The thing is, I'm doing it a little differently. In Face Front's Face of the Fan, EVERYONE wins! I don't want anyone to feel the crushing disappointment I did 15 years ago, so I'm creating a fan experience that you all can participate in! It's time for you to Face Front True Believers!
It's very simple. Watch this video or read below. Three steps:
1: Take a picture of the most prized item in your Marvel collection (comic book, action figure, plushie, pillow, whatever! It's your most prized item!)
2: Email the picture with your name (First and last, or first, or last, or your Face Front username if you want, even a social media handle*, just something I can call you), the name of the item, and a brief description of why the item is the centerpiece of your collection to mail@FaceFrontBlog.com.
3: I will post the picture, your name, the item name, and the description below! Then you can browse the gallery of everyone's most prized Marvel possessions! You can even leave comments below to let someone know if theirs is your favorite!
That's it! It's super easy. It's actually only 2 steps since I do step 3! So what are you waiting for? Take a picture, send an email, and you will be Face Front's next Face of the Fan!
*Please specify which social media platform your handle is for so that I can properly link it.
Face Front's Face of the Fan Gallery
Joshua Westbrook - Stan Lee Signed Copy of Amazing Fantasy #15

Amazing Fantasy #15 is Spider-Man's first appearance in comic book history, releasing in August of 1962. I pulled this copy of the comic out of a ToyBiz Marvel Legends action figure, and my friend Kyle got it signed by none other than the man who wrote it, Stan Lee!
BigJSpider (YouTube) - Marvel Legends Spider-Man Upgraded Suit

This is my favourite item in my collection because it’s an action figure of one of my favourite Tom Holland Spider-Man suits from Spider-Man: No Way Home, my favourite movie.
Poke (Twitter) - Spider-Man Figure Collection

These are my most prized Spider-Man items.
Lewis Nestman - Face of the Future

This young fan sure has a cute face! And though he grew out of his marvel onesies he still enjoys his books, toys, shirt, and socks…but his hulk socks seem to be missing.
Eileen Nestman (YouTube) - Agent Carter-Verse

In an unforgiving world that wants you to pick between two equally bad options I stand with Peggy and create my own path because I know my value.
Amahl Dunbar - Iron Banner

I've been painting some action figures to post to social media for Halloween & movie premieres like Cap: Brave New World. I bought a Spawn figure & painted him to look like a Hulk Buster/ Hulk variant. For now, I call him 'Iron Banner.'
BigJSpider is a loyal Face Front fan! Getting a peek at his collection is something I’ve been waiting for! And that is an awesome figure if I do say so myself! Go check out his YouTube channel, linked next to his name!
You can see like 4 other figures in the background lol